Falon / Morpheus Toolhead: Mounting Bracket

Created Wed, 14 Aug 2024 17:50:08 -0400

I’ve recently acquired a Bambu Labs P1S, and now that I have a printer that just simply works, I’ve felt more free to experiment with my Ender.

I decided that it would be fun to design a custom toolhead for the stock parts, since I’m looking into getting a new extruder and hotend, so it would be nice to have some experience designing a toolhead first. Hence, “Morpheus” was born, seemed like a fitting name considering I’m attaching it to an Ender 3 V2 “Neo”.

Bracket Revision 2 On Print Bed

I needed to start by designing a bracket, as I didn’t want to be limited to the stock carriage’s mounting holes, this took a few attempts as both my personal measurements, and the CAD I found online seemed just slightly innacurate with the hole placements. I had trouble getting the sets of holes on both sides of the carriage to be attached to the bracket, so I had to come up with a solution and this is what I decided on.

Bracket Revision 3 CAD to demonstrate slotted holes

I did unfortunately initially try to create that geometry manually, and it looked awful. Luckily a friend of mine with much more knowledge of CAD told me about the “Slot” tool

Bracket Reivsion 3 CAD Manual Geometry Slots compared to Slot Tool Slots